GovTech Lab Seminar: DataNet and the Future of National Data Infrastructure

26 November, 2019 University College London

9.30 – 12 Noon

DataNet – Doing for Data what the Internet did for Communications

DataNet represents a new approach to national infrastructure called DataNet- Building on successful examples such as X-Road, DataNet provides a unique approach to data as a national infrastructure.  Through providing Identity as a Utility, Data Exchange and Data Sovereign Wealth Fund capabilities, DataNet reduces the required investment in a national infrastructure for data, provides a unique economic model for the delivery of such services and protects end-user and citizen privacy.  Designed to be led by the national government and delivered by a combination of the private and public sector in an open architecture format, DataNet provides a flexible, modular and adaptable approach to data in the emerging digital era.

This seminar will introduce the DataNet project, use cases and business model and is led by GovTech Lab’s CTO Dr. Catherine Mulligan in a workshop format.