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Data shouldn’t be allowed to speak for itself
Dr Vaughn Tan is an assistant professor at University College London’s School of Management. He received a PhD in Organizational Behaviour from Harvard University in 2013. Previously, he was an infantry signals logistician in the Republic of Singapore Army, then...
Trust, Transparency and Tech (Policy Connect)
This item is a reproduction of a news post on Policy Connect’s report titled “Trust, Transparency, Tech on data and Technology Ethics” GovTech Lab’s Dr. Zeynep Engin provided evidence and was cited in this report. The All Party Parliamentary Data Analytics Group...
Challenges in Algorithmic Crime in Finance
In this blog, Henry Ashton presents challenges that Computer Scientists need to address with respect to algorithmic crime in finance. Henry Ashton is a PhD student at the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in financial computing and analytics. His research interests...
Moving Forward with Interdisciplinarity
In this blog, Dr. Jenny Bunn offers her reflections and thoughts following the Digital Ethics Forum meetup. Jenny Bunn leads on the Department of Information Studies’ digital curation teaching. She is the current Chair of the Archives and Records Association Section...
Ethics and Digital Policy (UCL STEaPP)
In this blog, Dr Ine Steenmans and Prof Joanna Chataway, from the Department for Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (UCL STEaPP), offer their initial position concerning the discussions at the first UCL Digital Ethics Forum. Dr Ine Steenmans is a...
Digital Ethics Forum (Interdisciplinarity at UCL)
On May 1st, 2019, the initial meeting of the UCL Digital Ethics Forum was held. GovTech Lab’s Dr. Zeynep Engin directed this initiative, with GovTech Lab’s Prof. Philip Treleaven, Dr. Catherine Mulligan (CTO) and Dr. Emre Kazim all in attendance and participating. The...
Dr. Catherine Mulligan reports on her attendance at the Nordic-Baltic Security Summit (Estonia, April 2019)
I recently attended the Nordic-Baltic Security Summit in Tallinn, where I presented on two areas that I have been working on for a very long time - Data Supply Chains, blockchain and the security implications of both. I have been growing quite concerned about data...
Dr. Catherine Mulligan: UNESCO Humanistic AI Conference (Paris, March 2019)
Dr. Catherine Mulligan (CTO, GovTech Lab) blogs about chairing a panel at the UNESCO Humanistic AI Conference (Paris, March 2019). This week (4 March 2019) I attended and moderated a session at the UNESCO Humanistic AI conference that was held in Paris, on the first...
Conference Announcement: Data for Policy 2019 – June 10-12 (University College London)
The forthcoming Data for Policy Conference will be hosted at University College London, on the 10-12thJune ( The conference series is led by GovTech Lab’s founder and principal investigator Dr Zeynep Engin, and this year will address two...
GovTechLab Event 25th Jan 2019: Government Innovation
On the 25th of January (2019), a GovTechLab Knowledge Transfer Consortium event was held at UCL, which focused on the theme of ‘Government Innovation’. The event was chaired by Prof. Philip Treleaven (UCL), who started proceedings with an introduction to the event’s...